单词秘密花园:在文章中体验词汇的魔力 之GRE单词篇(1)
发布时间:2023-07-21 11:12:23 作者:子曰思享会 浏览量:242
单词秘密花园:在文章中体验词汇的魔力 之GRE单词篇(1)
英语单词的记忆一直是备受困扰的难点,尽管阅读外媒新闻或文学作品能增加词汇量,但对于需要有针对性积累的考生而言,效率又太低下。 因此,单词秘密花园系列,将以每次10-20单词数量为大致基数,并书面化的文章形式输出,方便读者逐步记忆。希望能帮助到大家。
▣cavern: /'kævərn/
▣mesa: /'meɪsə/
As the travelers journeyed through the rugged terrain, they came across an arroyo filled with rushing water. They carefully made their way across the rocky creek bed, eventually reaching a canyon with towering walls on either side. At the crest of the canyon, they spotted a distant cape jutting out into the sea.
As they continued on their way, they stumbled upon a cavern hidden away in the side of a steep mesa. Inside, they marveled at the sparkling stalactites hanging from the ceiling.
Their journey led them to a ford where they were able to cross the fluvial current and make their way to a nearby grotto. As they approached, they saw a geyser erupting in the distance, sending a plume of hot water high into the air.
After exploring the grotto, they made their way through a narrow isthmus and into a narine filled with all manner of aquatic life. As they explored the coastline, they marveled at the variety of insular ecosystems they encountered.
Their adventures eventually brought them to a winding creek nestled deep within a gorge. As they followed the creek, they came to a peaceful eddy where they took a moment to rest and enjoy the beauty of their surroundings.